General information for authors of audiovisual work

The Estonian Association of Audiovisual Authors (EAAL) is the organisation that collectively represents the proprietary rights of authors of audiovisual works and their heirs. Since 2003, it has been working with the EAÜ to enforce the proprietary rights of directors, screenwriters and authors of dialogue, cinematographers, and artists.

Authors of audiovisual works are entitled to fair remuneration in the following categories

Rights categoryMethods of use and examples
ReproductionReproduction of an audiovisual work (rights owned by the producer)
DistributionRental and lending of audiovisual works on a subscription and rental basis, such as the use of a streaming platform
Transmission and retransmissionTelevision, radio, cable, and other technical means of transmission of the work
Making available to the publicWatching the work on demand online or via a streaming platform

The author of an audiovisual work is entitled to fair remuneration even if he or she has transferred his/her proprietary rights to the producer.

The EAÜ makes payments to authors once a year. For questions related to the calculation and payment of royalties, please contact the contact person of the EAÜ.

More information can be found on the website of the EAAL:

Contact person of the EAAL at the EAÜ

Märt Truman

Project Manager (use of audiovisual works)