General information about grants

Objective of the support programme

The aim of the programme is to encourage and support the creation of new Estonian music, thereby enriching the Estonian music scene and broadening the creative opportunities of creators.

The programme of the EAÜ does not duplicate other support programmes, such as those of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia, the Estonian Performers Association, or the Ministry of Culture. Our programme does not award creative grants, but provides financial support to cover part of the actual costs of carrying out a creative project.

The support programme is divided into three categories:

  1. commission for a new composition;
  2. creation of new musical works through various (co-)creative initiatives;
  3. production and recording of compositions in both audio and video formats.

How to apply for the grant?

  1. Firstly, familiarise yourself with the objectives and conditions of the grant.

  2. Then fill in the relevant application form (under chapters characterizing each field).

  3. The committee will evaluate the application and publish the results For more information, please keep an eye on the website of the EAÜ and our social media channels.

  4. The beneficiary shall carry out the project for which he/she received the grant.

  5. The beneficiary shall submit a report on its activities.

General requirements and substantive and formal criteria for EAÜ grant application

If you have any questions, please contact Karl-Ander Reismann, member of the Board of Directors of the EAÜ, by e-mail at