General information for music publishers

The role of the publisher is to disseminate and popularise the author’s work, allowing the public to use it in different ways.

When entering into a publishing agreement, the author and the publisher shall agree on the following:

  • the work or works that are the object of the contract;
  • the term and territory of the agreement;
  • the assignment of proprietary rights and restrictions resulting from an agreement entered into or to be entered into by the author with the EAÜ or another collective representation society;
  • the granting of a right of the re-assignment of proprietary rights;
  • the distribution of royalties between the author and the publisher;
  • the liability of the parties in the event of non-performance or breach of the agreement.

The EAÜ exercises publishers’ rights in four categories

Rights categoryMethod of useExamples
Public performancePerformance of a musical work in a place open to the publicConcerts and festivals, dances

Background music e.g. in catering and acommodation establishments
Transmission and retransmissionTransmission and retransmission of a musical work through technical meansTransmission of musical works in television and radio programmes, and broadcasts via broadcasting networks, cable networks, or other electronic communication networks
Making available to the publicMaking a musical work available to the public in a way that enables people to listen to it on demandStreaming and downloading services such as Spotify and iTunes
ReproductionRecording a piece of music on a CD, hard drive, DVD, or other data carrierProduction of CDs, DVDs, and similar data carriers