General meetings
The highest governing body of EAU is the general meeting of members, where members can decide on the approval of the current year’s report and budget, participate in elections and discuss and decide on other issues on the agenda.
The general meeting takes place at least once a year, and EAU informs its members about the exact date of the meeting via the website, social media channels and e-mail.
Each member has one vote at the general meeting. EAU member can also vote for one absent member at the general meeting on the basis of the letter of trust.
You can read more about members’ rights and lawsuits in the EAU statutes.
2024 Materials of the general meeting
- Agenda
- Protocol
- List of participants 2024 (appendex 1)
- List of authorizers and senders of power of attorney (appendex 2)
- Act of the Audit Committee (appendex 3)
- Balance sheet (appendex 4)
- Completion of the revenue budget (appendex 5)
- Execution of the expenditure budget (appendex 6)
- Income-expenditure budget (appendex 7)
2023 Materials of the general meeting
- Agenda
- Protocol
- List of participants 2023 (appendex 1)
- List of authorizers and senders of power of attorney (appendex 2)
- Balance sheet (appendex 3)
- Completion of the revenue budget (appendex 4)
- Execution of the expenditure budget (appendex 5)
- Income-expenditure budget (appendex 6)
- 2021- 2022 royalties (appendex 7)
- Financial year report (appendex 8)
- Act of the Audit Committee (appendex 9)
- 2023. revenue expenditure budget (appendex 10)
- Transparency report
- Proposals to amend the articles of the Statue
- Transfer of co-heirs from membership status to customer status
- Disposession of Pärnu holiday home
- EAÜ commission rates
2021 Materials of the general meeting
- Approval of the fees of the members of the board and members of the audit committee
- 2021 budget of planned receipts
- 2021 budget of planned expenses
- The material was added at the request of Mikk Targo, a member of EAÜ and former chairman of the EAÜ board
- List of participants 2021
- General meeting protocol 2021